A Million might have told you this. Count me as Million + 1 to say some Good Words
~> Never Judge Anything by What You See. <~
Today morning,
as I sat down to have my breakfast… I got a call and by the time I got back, my
plate was full of ‘Black Ants’ (Small ones). I just got irritated and my mom
changed my plate. As I was savoring my meal… at least 1000 more ants have come
up the dining table once again.
I didn't bother
them as they were away from my plate. Then I have observed them for the next 15
mins of my meal time… and realized how arousing they are.
- Earlier, as I threw away some ants in anger, a very few died. Now these new ants who have come… first went to their rescue. One after the other… lifted back their dead and injured friends to their homes. They were not known to each other. Still they helped. They were dead; still they took them back home.
- Whereas we humans… despite having enough Knowledge to write Constitutions and Laws… doesn't have that heart to help people who are unknown to us, at accidents. Not all. Seriously not all. But many are such. We at most will say… “R.I.P Bro” or ‘Will even shed a tear’… but will not go for their rescue, when needed.
- Then, a second batch of ants has come to gather some food for their upcoming winter and rainy seasons. Planning…! Serious planning…! Best part being… Implementing them and working towards them.
- If at all we humans have such a ‘planning-and-implementing’ capability… The world would have been a lot better place than it is now… With less ‘Poor’ and less ‘Corrupted Rich’ people…!
- Then, a few ants came and lifted some light particles, which are still at least 10 times heavier than their weight. Of course we know that ants can lift up to 20 times heavier weight… but still, they were doing their part… and we can’t blame them now for not lifting still heavier pieces. Because… At least they are Working and Contributing.
- We humans (especially jobless drunkards and freely roaming idiots), despite having such an immense strength and gigantic muscles… don’t use them properly. Of course I am not asking them to be ‘Porters’ and keep lifting weights. But at least they can try and be ‘Not Lazy’ and ‘Do some work for their Family as their contribution, rather than eat up their money and gossip around uselessly’.
- Then some ants joined their fellow ants who have been trying to lift weights which were far greater than their weights. One after one… almost 20 to 30 ants joined as a group and after a few seconds struggle… they could finally lift their ‘Bounty’…! As a TEAM… without failing each other, without worrying about their share of credit and without thinking ‘Why I should help others in THEIR Work’… they went through the way they have come in.
- But we humans… despite getting trained to work as a team and despite having enough common sense… doesn’t bother to help our fellow mates… until we are either forced to do, or paid enough to do. Also… we seek our share or credibility in everything we do…!
These were some important lessons I learned today, from the very
miniature creatures we see every day in our lives. We just ignore such GREAT
TEACHERS we have in our houses and seek motivation and training from institutions
which has men… the very same like us.
Also one important lesson, we all know but never get into action…
“Size or Appearance doesn’t matter… As long as an individual is
Responsible, Caring, Understanding, Loving and Helping… their Family, Friends
or any individual… for that point.”