Did Galaxy 11 save the planet? Whole Story!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Aliens are here. They want our Planet. 7 Billions lives are at stake and real life doesn't consist of super heroes like Avengers or X-Men, who have special weapons or powers to stop them from taking our planet. All we have got is certain number of Super Human from several many fields like Business, Sports, Science, Movies and others. Of them all, Aliens choose Sports, where we have Legends in every Sport! But Aliens choose Football!! Now, Can Football save the Planet??

The story begins, as the Mysterious circles appear in Brazil, London and New York on 21st Oct,2013!!

Then, Franz Beckenbauer (Ger) Reveals the existence of Aliens and their Challenge for Planet Earth, when some Mysterious guys get spotted in certain places on the Earth!

Once the news bursts open, Aliens make their way in to our Planet and leaves the whole world in despair! So, the hunt for a Team of the Best and the Bravest, which would save Planet Earth begins!

Once the Star studded team was selected, their training begins. The hardest training these players have ever received, as they are set out for the hardest challenge, they ever faced!

As the time nears, the players set out on their Journey to Play the biggest match of their life, with the Whole Planet Earth on Stake!
To cheer them up and our fellow friends, we get ourselves an Anthem!
"It takes a human touch, to be a champion!"

As our players reach the ultimate frontier, the rules are different. The arena is different!
But our Team would never back out.
The match begins!! First half Kick's off!

At Half Time, Aliens lead Us, by 3-1!
But the hope is not lost yet. Our team is ready to bleed and fight until the last minute!
Our hopes were not going to be shattered!

So, what happened? Did Galaxy 11 and Football save the Planet?

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