What have you filled your Plate with?

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today... being back to writing, i feel like a kid coming home to his mom from a tough time at hostel... Where, he might certainly have had fun... but has missed his mom very much...!

I never knew, how this love for writing emerged in me... maybe because of my dad or from my habit of writing a diary... but this surely does make me feel peaceful and makes my life indulged in thoughts of my own :)

Speaking of life... i would like to brief a bit of it, in my own words!
I think, life is like an empty plate... and we only get served, what we wish and pay for.
Sometimes we do not get what we wish for and that is maybe the chef is not satisfied with what you have paid.

A year back... my life plate had nothing but a 'Dream of being someone with some Identity'...
But Chef didn't turn out in my favor and i was left with an empty plate, which was very soon served by a sweet bread slice. It didn't seem special until a few layers of stuffing and sausages were added, along with another layer of sweet slice on the top, making it a very delicious sandwich!

It won my heart in taste and it made me feel that it was all, i need in my life and nothing much better. But things took a 'U turn' when the top slice was snatched from my hands! This gave way for the sausages and stuffing to take their way out, as unknowingly as they came. The final slice which was the root for everything lost its sturdiness in this meantime and there's nothing much anyone can do about it.

This left me back with an empty plate... to be served with whatever i want.
There were times where i was served with what i had wished for... based on what i had paid for!
I was happy and that could satisfy my hunger for a while, but not forever!

This time, i am hoping to fill my plate in such a way that it would not only satisfy my heart... but would also satisfy my hunger forever !! :)
So should you do too. Go fill your plate, with what you love and would satisfy your hunger forever, but not with what satisfies your hunger for a while!!

What is life, without having what you like and wish for... :)

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Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
For every single detail on me: http://about.me/harsha.bhv

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