My 1st Blog

Monday, August 20, 2012

              Well... this is my first ever blog, and i'm pretty much excited about it. (Have stopped my 'Avengers' game and Agent Vinod's, 'Rabta' song, which i have been listening, for more than 20 times now, since morning... just to concentrate on my Blog)

              I have just read my friend - Ajay kontham's blogs (he has some 200+ approximately, and is a very good writer) and just wanted to give 'Blogging', a try of my own. When i have logged in to Blogger, i found that i am on blogger since April,2007...! Wow... now that's a news...! :)

              Well... i actually have a habit of writing diary (since 4 years or so) everyday, and after joining in the ILP training in TCS @ Trivandrum... my habit got altered, and now i write it on every weekend...! reason being... no time for such habits. Ofcourse there is time after coming to my old fashioned and almost packed room, but my time gets killed as soon as i login to this "Facebook", which has changed the lives of Students in 2000's, to the lives of students in 90's and past.

              So... not to get distracted from the topic... what i was saying is that... my life had many habits when i was in GITAM University, like Short film making; FIFA on Play-station; Collecting coins,stamps and whatever comes in a series and i feel like collecting...! :) And the most practiced habit was... "Writing Diary", which generally holds all my day-to-day activities only. I never went much into feelings and such sort.

            I prefer "notes" on my I-Phone for all the status'es, quotes and feelings...! Ofcourse its not secured from others... but i still prefer that :) And i was always from blogging, as i think, its unnecessary to let people know what i am doing and what i am feeling, and if i want to 'Save up' anything for future... then i have my diary with all the daily stuff...! i wanted to start-up with 'Blogging' too... just to share my feelings (atleast not all) with others...! Afteral, its not a bad idea...! :)

           Also, who knows... my blogs might get popular one day...and i might get a few fans too ;)
And... " N oI s I o N "... i don't know if anyone has ever used it, but its strictly my own invention. I always wanted a 'Word', which is not there in the dictionary, for my own...and one day i got this word after some jumblings and since then... NoIsIoN (which can be read from all sides, the same way) has become a very crucial part of my life (I seriously mean it)...!

          So, NoIsIoN would be my Blog name...and... My journey or campaign of Blogging starts from today....!!! (The 55th day of ILP, and also the best one of ILP, so far, as i have had lots of fun with Nishanth (sarcastic pandit) , Shankar (love maniac) , Vaibhav (innocent knife) and Me, myself ( ) <- no words found to  describe myself ->, Ranking the Girls of my T01 class in certain factors, and teasing's, arm wrestling's, Soccer superstar's, Quiz'es and all...! It surely is a day to remember from ILP) :)

         The blogging era of Agent BHV (my online Name for 'Avengers' Game) starts from 20th August now.


Rakesh said...

Wow Harsha you again made a habit of it...!!!!

B. Harsha Vardhan (BHV) said...

just started buddy :) don't know, how long will i stay with this habit... but surely will write some :)

ʞɐ said...

So, the Writer Rises.
And in a few days, you would be getting a lot of fans, no doubt on that which would lead you to be famous. Wait a minute, you are already Famous, al you need to do is let the people know about your blog and the rest will be history on a page in your diary.

And Welcome. Thanks for mentioning. That was generous of you.

So, the when's the sequel due ?

B. Harsha Vardhan (BHV) said...

thanks for that comment of yours :) seriously liked it very much :) Well... i just posted some. Just go through, when u have some time :)

ʞɐ said...

Yeah, went through the sequel. :)

Unknown said...

Wonderful yaar..first post a ila raste migatha postlu kummestav ga :)
Seriously...i wish you all luck with innovative ideas :)
Anyways, I just got a call from Oxford as they have heard you coined a new word and want more info on it! ( yeah! I got a call because I know harsha :P )
Now that you coined a new word 'NoIsIoN'....what would its meaning be?

ʞɐ said...

@SivaKarthik : It seems like you haven't used the Google Search service perfectly after all. :P

B. Harsha Vardhan (BHV) said...

Tell those oxford people that even i doesn't know the meaning of the word. Its just a palindrome, as far as i'm concerned...! Ask them only to give it a good meaning ;)

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